About StangDecals.com, our copyrights and useage of Trademarks licensed by Ford Motor Company

All products on this site using trademarks and copyrights belonging
to the Ford Motor Company and associated companies are used under license as Ford Officially Licensed Products

All products on this web site that were created using copyrights and trademarks of Ford Motor Company are done so with permission from Ford Motor Company under a license agreement between Ford Motor Company and Decal Mods. Products that use trademarks (Mustang, Pony, SVT, Cobra, etc...) that are created by Decal Mods are subject to copyright protection. Any theft of designs, images, wording, and/or display will be punishable to the full extent allowed. Images used without permission on any web site (personal, retail, eBay, Amazon, etc...) will be notified by either us (Decal Mods) or Ford Motor Company and you will be dealt with accordingly by our legal representation.

Short version: Be warned: our products and images are our own, legit and legal, don't steal them.

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